Category: Stevphen Shukaitis

  • The Wages of Dreamwork

    The Wages of Dreamwork

    The Wages of Dreamwork. Class Composition & the Social Reproduction of Cultural Labor Stevphen Shukaitis & Joanna Figiel Surviving as a cultural or artistic worker in the city has never been easy. Creative workers find themselves celebrated as engines of economic growth, economic recovery and urban revitalization even as the conditions for our continued survival…

  • Kicks, Spits, and Headers

    Kicks, Spits, and Headers

    Kicks, Spits, and Headers. The Autobiographical Reflections of an Accidental Footballer Paolo Sollier Preface by Sandro Mezzadra Translated by Steven Colatrella Kicks, Spits, and Headers documents two years of football by a self-proclaimed accidental footballer. Coming of age during the student and worker revolt of the 1960s-1970s, the Italian ‘hot autumn,’ Paolo Sollier brought these…

  • Riotous Epistemology. Imaginary Power, Art, and Insurrection

    Riotous Epistemology. Imaginary Power, Art, and Insurrection

    Riotous Epistemology. Imaginary Power, Art, and Insurrection Richard Gilman-Opalsky & Stevphen Shukaitis Riots. Revolts. Revolutions. All flashing moments which throw the world – and our relationship with it – into question. For centuries people have pinned their hopes on radical political change, on turning worlds upside down. But all too often the ever-renewed dream of…

  • Entry Points

    Entry Points

    Entry Points. Resonating Punk, Performance, and Art Stevphen Shukaitis, Penny Rimbaud, Dharma, and Awk Wah Art-media project exploring resonances between punk and performance in the UK and Southeast Asia During the late 1960s and early 1970s, as members of the performance art group EXIT, Penny Rimbaud and Gee Vaucher turned to creating outside of the…

  • Combination Acts

    Combination Acts

    Combination Acts. Notes on Collective Practice in the Undercommons Stevphen Shukaitis Dialogues and essays exploring collaboration in artist collective & self-organized cultural production During the industrial revolution artisans and craft workers sparked struggles against exploitation while the force of law drove unions underground. Today conditions are different… yet they are not. Collective organizing is pre-empted…

  • Stop the City… Revisited

    Stop the City… Revisited

    Stop the City… Revisited Organized as part of The Substation’s “Discipline the City” series 23 August – 23 November 2017 Born out of the anarcho-punk scene, Stop the City demonstrations of 1983-84 were a series of actions and interventions to blockade and disrupt ‘The City’ (the financial district of London). Protesters and activists coalesced around…

  • There is no authority but yourself… and there is no self

    There is no authority but yourself… and there is no self

    There is no authority but yourself… and there is no self 19 August – 7PM – The Substation, Singapore Punk is often narrated as a kind of year zero, a total break with the past. But this is far from the case. Nowhere is that clearer through the anarcho-punk punk Crass, who taking the phrase…

  • #WorldsUpsideDown Exhibition

    #WorldsUpsideDown Exhibition

    #WorldsUpsideDown 11 March – 2 April @ Firstsite, Colchester Riots. Revolts. Revolution. All flashing moments which throw the world – and our relationship with it – in question. From the uprising against the Russian Czar one hundred years ago to the Arab spring and protests against war, austerity and the continuing failure of politics as…

  • Gee Vaucher. Introspective Catalogue

    Gee Vaucher. Introspective Catalogue

    Gee Vaucher. Introspective Edited by Stevphen Shukaitis Gee Vaucher is an internationally renowned political artist, known for her ‘radical creativity’, montages, and iconic record sleeve artwork for the famous anarchist-pacifist band Crass. Vaucher has always seen her work as a tool for social change, using surrealist styles and methods, and a DIY aesthetic to create…

  • Art & Anarchism Event @ the London Anarchist Bookfair

    Art & Anarchism Event @ the 2016 London Anarchist Bookfair 2016 London Anarchist Bookfair – Saturday 29th October from 10am to 7pm Ad busting, cultural subversion, avant garde experimentation, DIY ethics and a wealth of movement propaganda – posters, stickers, zines – all point to the central role that visual and performance art occupies in…