All Incomplete
Stefano Harney and Fred Moten

Building on the ideas Harney and Moten developed in The Undercommons, All Incompleteextends the critical investigation of logistics, individuation and sovereignty. It reflects their chances to travel, listen and deepen their commitment to and claim upon partiality.

All Incomplete studies thehistory of a preference for the force and ground and underground of social existence. Engaging a vibrant constellation of thought that includes the work of Amilcar Cabral, Erica Edwards, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Cedric Robinson, Walter Rodney, Hortense Spillers and many others, Harney and Moten seek to share and understand that preference.

In so doing, Moten and Harney hope to have forged what Manolo Callahan, echoing Ivan Illich, calls a convivial tool that – despite the temptation to improve and demand, develop and govern, separate and grasp – helps us renew our habits of assembly.

All Incompletefeatures the work of award winning photographer Zun Lee, exploring and celebrating the everyday spaces of Black sociality, intimacy, belonging, and insurgency, and a preface by Denise Ferreira da Silva.

Bio:Stefano Harney and Fred Motenare authors of The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study. They are students of the black radical tradition and members of Le Mardi Gras Listening Collective. Zun Leecarves out communal spaces where Black storytelling can thrive. He often makes photographs to remind him how to be grateful. He tends to forget often. Denise Ferreira da Silva teaches at the University of British Columbia and is a member of Coletiva.

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Available direct from Minor Compositions (in the UK) now for the special price of £13.
You can also download it here: All Incomplete

182 pages, 6 x 9, full color print with 22 figures
UK: £23 / US: $30
ISBN 978-1-57027-378-0
Ebook ISBN 978-1-57027-380-3

Release to the book trade Juneteenth 2021